About Our Office:
MN Families United can supervise both community and on-site visits. Visits that take place on-site will be held at one of our two office locations. In St. Paul, we are located at 2233 University Ave. West. We are on the 2rd floor, suite 235. In NE Minneapolis, our address is 1700 2nd Street NE on the first floor.
Both locations offer private rooms for each family to visit. Rooms are equipped with toys such as dolls, blocks, educational tools, etc. We also have a large book selection, board games, and craft supplies available. Community visits must be approved by the director. Examples of community visit locations are libraries, playgrounds, museums, etc.
About Our Staff:
As an agency, we are members of the National Supervised Visitation Network (SVN). SVN sets standards of practice and offers education. Our team of visitation supervisors consists of individuals with specialties in trauma-informed caregiving, early childhood education, special education, criminal justice, law, and more.